As I was researching topics for tonight’s Pecha Kucha I stumbled upon the most hilarious happy colourful time wasting internet thing. Sharing food porn on social media is something we all pretty much engage in. For proof, just look at my instagram feed:

Bolthouse farms, a California based farm company, has taken on the challenge of making the internet healthier. They have put together a Food porn index, that tracks the use of healthy food hashtags vs. unhealthy food hashtags. There are about 1.7 million food hashtags shared every days of which roughly 1 million are unhealthy. #burger #pizza #candy #donut #icecream
The daily results of the hunt for these hashtag is beautifully rendered on a website where good and bad hashtags fight it off:
Every single #hashtag gets its own animation and I have to say they are all priceless. I think my dream job would be to get paid to work on something like this. The Melon meditation has got to be my favourite and I guarantee you, if you let yourself experience it fully, you will feel better after 5 minutes. Who knew Mellon could be so soothing?
I will be talking about this and other aspects of how the internet has changed our relationship to food tonight at Volume 22 of Pecha Kucha Beirut. If you are free, pass by. It’s taking place at the Antonin University in Baabda starting 8PM and the line up is very cool.