For those of you who are faint of heart, please refrain from making this recipe. You may even want to consider not reading this post all the way through. Also, consider yourselves warned, looking at the below images may increase your cholesterol levels.

This week I fried Potatoes in cooking grease and it was yummy. If like me you have an appetite that is stronger than need to look ike a super model, you will truly enjoy this with a nice piece of rare steak or with Roasted Lamb Shanks.

1/ Ingredients:

1 Bunch of parsley  + 3 Cloves of garlic  + Salt & Pepper to taste + 4 large potatoes

2/ Recipe:

1/ Peel, wash and cut the potatoes in 8mm thick slices. In a side bowl chop the parsley, crush the garlic cloves and season to taste.

2/ Melt the cooking grease (you can also use duck grease) until its deep enough to cover half the sliced potatoes. Place the potatoes in. When the first side has cooked, flip them until both sides are evenly cooked and golden yellow.

4/ When all the potatoes are cooked, throw most of the cooking grease away, keeping only enough to coat the potatoes. Put the golden circles back in the pan and add your parsley and garlic mix. Stir the lot for a minute. Adjust the seasoning if necessary. Your potatoes are now ready to be served.